Prospective Parents

Are you looking for a school place for your child in Reception in September 2025? If so, please see below for information on our Parent Talk and Tours:

Parent Talk and Tours

Welcome to St Paul's

At St Paul’s Primary School, we love welcoming new children into our family. Whether you are looking for a place in our Reception class or have older children, we will do our best to make applying for a place at St Paul’s Primary School as simple as possible. We know that choosing a school for your children is an important decision. Our Christian ethos, focus on wellbeing and carefully planned transition programmes mean that everything is in place for your child to settle in and make new friends easily. It is our hope that your whole family will quickly feel a part the community at St Paul’s Primary.

Early Years Foundation Stage

Here at St Paul’s we believe that every child should be happy, valued and confident. We provide a nurturing and purposeful environment in which every child can flourish and develop at their own pace and in their own individual way. This is achieved through a combination of carefully structured play opportunities and planned learning activities. Our role is to encourage every child’s development and enjoyment of learning through a variety of different activities in our stimulating indoor and outdoor classrooms. We encourage the growth of social skills and empathy amongst the children. The relationships which the children develop with each other and with our staff are central to their happiness and lay the best possible foundation for their future.

Nursery Visits

The first time we will meet each child will be in the familiar setting of their nursery. This helps to build a positive relationship with them and observe how they play. It also provides an opportunity to speak to your child’s key worker to discover their interests, whist building a deeper understanding of your child’s learning journey. We work collaboratively with our feeder nurseries to ensure a smooth and happy transition into school.

Home Visits

Each year we like to visit our new children in their home setting. In our experience this is a valuable part of the transition into school and also nurtures vital home-school links. This gives teachers and support staff the opportunity to further engage with your child and to understand and cater for all of their individual needs.

‘Little Owls’ – (Settling in sessions)

We have two classes in each year group at St. Paul’s. In Reception your child will either be in Bumblebees Class or Caterpillars Class. Each June we invite the children to come to their classroom for settling in sessions. We enjoy a mix of allowing you the opportunity to stay with your child, listen to a story with them and explore the classroom together. We also give you, as parents, the opportunity to meet the other parents in an informal setting and ask us any questions you may have, while the children are encouraged to enjoy the time meeting their new friends and new teacher independently.

The First Few Weeks in School

The children start school part-time and hours are soon extended until they are attending school full-time.

The School Day

Our school week is 32.5 hours. The school day starts at 8.40am and ends at 3.10pm. There is a 15 minute break during the morning and a 50 minute break at lunchtime.


We follow the Government’s statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Our curriculum is split into 3 prime areas and then a further 4 specific areas. These prime areas are those most essential for every child’s healthy development and future learning:

  1. Personal, Social and Emotional Development;
  2. Physical Development;
  3. Communication and Language.

As children grow, the prime areas will help them to develop skills in 4 specific areas. These are:

  1. Literacy (Reading, Comprehension and Writing);
  2. Mathematics (Number and Numerical patterns);
  3. Understanding the World;
  4. Expressive Arts and Design.

How we learn in Bumblebees and Caterpillars

Child-led Learning

The learning in the Early Years at St Paul's School is very much play centred and child-led. Whilst we plan learning opportunities with overarching themes, these are very much subject to change depending on the child’s interests and previous experiences. Therefore, the learning can be child-led in a different direction and it is our job as teaching practitioners to step into their play with skilled questioning and modelling. This approach enables children to take ownership over their own learning and enables them to learn new skills whilst having fun!

Playful Hands on Experiences

We ensure that our children are provided with lots of real life, hands-on experiences to bring learning to life. This approach to learning immerses children in an experience and enables them to build new skills in a playful and purposeful manner. A few experiences that the EYFS have been provided with this year include:-

  • Making bread for The Little Red Hen
  • Planning a birthday party for class puppets
  • Making diva lamps
  • Making Christingles
  • Performing a Nativity
  • Watching traditional tales shows, performed by the EYFS team.
  • Looking after a chick and learning the life cycle
  • Space workshop
  • A visit from Surrey Police
Forest School and Green Learning

It is widely acknowledged that being close to nature contributes to every child’s wellbeing, nurturing imagination, independence, curiosity, social skills and how to safely manage appropriate risk taking. Through freely chosen activities, children learn to love the natural world and how to care for each other and the world around them.  

Our Forest School is constantly evolving through the discoveries, investigation and ideas conjured between the children, the adults and the living environment around us. We all look forward to our weekly encounters that breathe life into all our learning, whether inside or out. St.Paul’s School is blessed with a well-established school environment that includes mature deciduous and ever green trees, shrubs and wild areas for endless new discoveries.

Admission Arrangements

Prospective Parent Tours

We know that choosing a school is a big decision for any parent and that the process of school admissions can be confusing.

We hope that the information provided outlines some of the basic details and helps to make the process of transition as smooth and seamless as possible for you. We are here to help you as much as we can. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us and ask to speak to our Admissions Officer, Mrs McPhail.

Our arrangements for school admissions are determined by The Good Shepherd Trust. Further information on this process can be found here.


Applying for a place

September 2025 Admissions

You should receive information leaflets from your child's nursery or pre-school in the autumn term prior to your child’s admission to YR. Click here to make your application directly to Surrey County Council.

If your child was born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021 you will need to apply for a school place for September 2024. The closing date for on-time applications to Surrey County Council for Reception September 2025 is 15th January 2025. Please click here to make an application to Surrey County Council.

In Year Admissions

If you have recently moved to the area and you are interested in moving your child to St Paul’s School please click here for information on how to apply for an in-year application.