

Mathematics is a fundamental part of every child’s education. The learning and teaching of maths at St Paul’s aims to provide an opportunity for children to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding in mathematics which are essential for further study and in adult life.

The key aims for maths at St Paul’s are:

  • To instil a positive attitude and confidence in maths which allows children to express ideas and develop logical thinking through a process of enquiry.
  • Provide a curriculum for every child that progressively extends mathematical skills and knowledge.
  • Provide continuity in the methods of teaching mathematics throughout the school.
  • Provide opportunities for children to apply mathematical skills confidently in real life situations.
  • Promote the development of mental maths, arithmetic, reasoning, logical thinking and problem solving skills.


Mathematics is taught through daily lessons of between 45 minutes and an hour. Our curriculum (underpinned by the National Curriculum and our own progression of skills document) is designed to develop the children’s interest in maths by ensuring the children understand the relevance of their learning to real life

These lessons provide opportunities for children to practise, reinforce and consolidate their learning. There is also a focus on the appropriate use of mental maths and arithmetic as well as for formal methods of calculation. Additionally, lessons are devoted to the skills required for explaining mathematical thinking and problems solving skills essential to being successful in the modern world.  Children are required to have a strong understanding of times tables (and their division equivalents) to support their maths skills via the times tables challenge.

Mathematics is not a standalone lesson, rather it contributes to many aspects of learning throughout the primary curriculum. Opportunities will be sought to draw mathematical experience out of a wide range of activities e.g. outdoor learning, which allow children to apply their knowledge and skills in other real life contexts.


The impact of our maths curriculum is designed to ensure that children at St Paul’s are equipped with mathematical skills and knowledge that will enable them to be ready for the Key Stage 3 curriculum and subsequently life in the wide world. We measure this by using the NFER testing December and July and White Rose pre-test/ post topic tests.

We have a statuary responsibility for the following:

  • Times table check Year 4
  • Year2 / Year 6 SATS
  • EYFS baseline

Through this we have a personalised challenge from the data collected.

Our key aim is for children to develop an in- depth understanding of the world they live in and consequently become active members of society equipped with this knowledge.