
At St Paul’s School, we are committed to teaching children about how to make sensible food choices as part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. We believe that a healthy packed lunch can contribute to the health of children and young people, and needs to be consistent with the nutritional standards provided by school meals.
Cooked school meals

Twelve15 provide a school meals service to Surrey schools, including St Paul's C of E Primary School. Their website Caterlink features sample menus, tips on healthy eating, and contact details. All our pupils are supervised whilst eating and are gently encouraged to eat their lunch. If your child appears to be having any difficulty with their food at midday we will let you know. Equally if you have any concerns about how they are eating please do come and speak to us. Please inform us of any allergies.

Packed school lunches

Our children have the option to eat a cooked school meal at lunchtime or bring a packed lunch from home.

Packed lunches should be based on the EatWell plate model and should aim to include all of the following every day:

  • Fruit and Vegetables - at least one portion of fruit and one portion of vegetables or salad.
  • A non-dairy source of protein - meat, fish, egg, beans or pulses, such as lentils, kidney beans, chickpeas, hummus or falafel.
  • A starchy food like bread, pasta, rice, couscous, noodles, potatoes or other types of cereals.
  • Dairy foods such as milk, cheese or yoghurt.
  • Drinks - any drinks provided in lunch boxes should only include plain water, unsweetened fresh fruit juice, diluted fresh fruit juice, fruit or dairy based smoothies.

Click here to read our Healthy Eating Policy

Free school meals and pupil premium

If you think you may be entitled to Free School Meals (this is not the same as the Universal Free School Meals initiative set up by the Government starting September 2014) or Pupil Premium please contact the School Office directly who will respect and deal with any enquiries in total confidence. 

Paying for School Meals (KS2 Years 3-6 only)

School meals must always be booked and paid for in advance, online via the Scopay website or app. The current cost of a meal is £2.75 per day.

Please click here for the GST Two Choice Menu

If you do not have a pupil code to create an account to pay online, please contact the school office who will provide online payment instructions and logging in details specific to your child / children. Please find the online payment link below which you can follow once you have received your log in instructions

Local and regional produce

In recent years, the emphasis has been placed on sourcing more local and regional produce wherever possible. The service and procurement teams are in consultation with various organisations with a view to further increasing wherever possible our locally and regionally sourced produce during the appropriate growing seasons.

Did you know?
  • 95% of our meals are made fresh on site daily
  • All of our menus are compliant to the Silver Standard as a minimum
  • Our meals are nutritious and balanced and include a portion of protein, a portion of carbohydrates and two portions of vegetables
  • Quality ingredients such as MSC fish, red tractor meats
  • Our nutrition team ensure all menus meet the school food standards for dishes and portion sizes
  • We have increased our rantge of sustainable options including our Added Plant Power dishes, our vegan dishes and through encouragning meat free days on menus
  • Our Desserts not only contain important nutrients such as calcium and zinc but are also in line with guidance on sugars. Fresh fruit and yoghurt are also offered daily
  • All  of our portion sizes are compliant, ensuring that we are not oiffering children too much or too little food for their energy requirements