The teaching of wellbeing at St Paul’s aims to provide children with the opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills to help them be happy and healthy.
Supporting children’s wellbeing is part of the fabric of our school and children are developing in these areas all the time at home and school. However, we recognise that children also need to be explicitly taught this knowledge and skills as it is now a statutory requirement and when they are taught well they lead to better academic success and life outcomes.
At St Paul’s we teach the statutory Relationship and Health curriculum through a wider Wellbeing Curriculum that incorporates all aspects of wellbeing as recommended by the PSHE association and includes objectives that staff and pupil’s at St Paul’s have identified as being important. We describe wellbeing as everything that keeps us ‘happy and healthy’ and we have identified six different areas of wellbeing that we want our children to thrive in. These are:
Physical and Sensory Wellbeing
My physical wellbeing includes everything to do with having a healthy and happy body. The sensory aspect means having a healthy understanding of all of our senses and how these impact me.
Social Wellbeing
My social wellbeing includes everything to do with having healthy and happy relationships and positive interactions with the people around me.
Mental and Emotional Wellbeing
My mental and emotional wellbeing includes everything to do with keeping my brain happy and healthy.
Environmental Wellbeing
My environmental wellbeing includes everything to do with ensuring the environment/ space I am in is happy and healthy. This includes my classroom, the wider school, my home, my community, my country and the world.
Economic Wellbeing
My economic wellbeing includes everything to do with having a healthy and happy relationship with money and understanding how this affects my life.
Spiritual Wellbeing
My spiritual wellbeing includes everything to do with religion and what I believe in. This includes learning about and respecting all religions and developing my own beliefs.
Wellbeing progression of skills/resources
The wellbeing progression of skills outlines what teacher’s should be covering related to wellbeing in each year group. The curriculum is very detailed and teachers are provided with resources that use stories to cover all aspects of the curriculum from www.story-project.co.uk.
As well as weekly wellbeing lessons, wellbeing skills are reinforced through all the other curriculum subjects, through assemblies, through class discussions when topics arise, through reflecting on behaviour incidents and wellbeing related activities such as yoga, mindfulness and massage.
Children who need extra support with their wellbeing are also provided with a range of interventions and extra support led by the Inclusion Team
The impact of our PSHE/ Wellbeing curriculum is that children at St Paul’s leave with the skills and knowledge that will enable them to be ready for secondary school and later life in the wide world. We aim for children to develop the strategies and knowledge that will help them to thrive personally and academically.
The six different areas of wellbeing are illustrated on our Wellbeing Tree drawn by Mrs Baggs.